We Need Your Support - Shared Space Funding Request

Pillar and our partners have submitted a funding request to the City of London for one-time funding for capital costs for the Social Innovation Shared Space and we are asking our members for your help and support.

VISION: The Social Innovation Shared Space will create a place for co-working, nurturing new ideas and fostering social innovation and positive community change. For more information please visit www.sisslondon.ca.

REQUEST DETAILS: Pillar Nonprofit Network is requesting City Council to consider one-time funding of $339,000. This funding will cover $289,000 for capital costs related to accessibility improvements (such as exterior ramp and barrier-free washrooms) and $50,000 toward one-time start up costs (such as development fees and permits, architect and other consultant fees). This one-time funding will enable us to access a $50,000 accessibility grant (which requires local matching funds) and will help us meet the City’s Facility Accessibility Design Standards (FADS). To date we have secured $1.5 million dollars in grants and donations for the Social Innovation Shared Space. Please review the Shared Space Request Summary for more details about the request and initiative.


1. Testimonial - submit a testimonial about the value of a Social Innovation Shared Space to London and why the City of London should support our funding request. Please email Michelle Baldwin Executive Director by Tuesday January 20 with your testimonial at mbaldwin@pillarnonprofit.ca

2. Fill the Gallery for Public Participation Meeting - join us on Thursday January 22nd at 4:00pm for the public participation meeting regarding the City of London Budget at City Hall to show your support of this request.

We greatly appreciate your support and we are excited to bring this incredible initiative to London to create transformational change in London along with all of you.

Go to the Shared Space Request Summary >>

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Shared Space

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